Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Dog, Boomer speaks “Godaneeze”

Every time I feel frustrated with the fact there are things in my life that I am still dealing with like: selfishness, lack of organization, lack of follow-through (just to name a few )- I remember my dog- Boomer.  You see, Boomer gave me a prophetic word one day – yep seriously –He speaks “Godaneeze”. 
About 3 years ago, Boomer’s daily activity greeted me as I came home for lunch.  Ripped pages, old photos, several books and several pieces of laundry strewn across my backyard.  With a new puppy, I had learned to put my valuables out of reach, but he always outsmarted me.   He’d work his way around my barricades and get to the “good” stuff.   Needless to say, like most puppy owners, I was reaching my “patience-o-meter”!    Coupled with the fact, Boomer was SO excited that Mommy was home!  Urrrr.  
I braced myself and stepped into the land of littered despair.  I gave that “I mean business buddy look” and he pranced around with his butt in air and wagged his tail.   The talk wasn’t going the way I wanted it to.  Every time I’d approach, he’d back away and dance the defiant tease.  I finally got a hold of his collar.  Up went his dirty fun filled paws on my clean white shirt and left smudges of love all over it!  I looked Boomer square in the eye and said, “THAT’S IT! YOU ARE DONE BUSTER!” 
It was about this time, I noticed a white sheet of notebook paper still hanging off his black lips.  I unglued what was left off and I couldn’t believe my eyes!  On the torn sheet of paper were these words, “God is not as consumed with who I am right now, as much as who I will become.  I am still growing and learning.”    Boomer had gotten into an old journal of mine.  This was a note I had written to myself and here it was - being played out.    I flopped on the ground beside my young destroyer and he nestled his head on my lap.   I forgot about the work clothes I had on and held him and laughed at this ridiculous situation. 
Who would have known, that my river dog would speak the heart of God?  Three years later, Boomer is still becoming, but then again - so am I.

1 comment:

  1. What a good word. God certainly speaks thru his creatures if we would only listen. They are expressions of how our behavior is so often...for example: my Lab laying her soggy stuffed aninal on my lap as an act of woship but other times not being able to let go of it and trust me with it. Perhaps that is us with trusting God with our "stuff..filthy rags". We think it is so precious and it really isn't and sometimes we easily surrender to God yet othertimes don't trust Him completely. He must just shake His head and laugh at the likeness of our behavior at times.
